Sahrawi cuisine

Saharawi cuisine is renowned for its richness and diversity, as well as its distinctive flavor and health benefits. Sahrawis rely on camel or goat meat, in addition to using natural plant ingredients, and prefer to avoid artificial foodstuffs in order to preserve their nutritional value. One of the most popular dishes in Saharawi cuisine is Bulgoman, which is a favorite nutritious meal among Saharawis, especially during the month of Ramadan. Quick and easy to prepare, it is based on ground barley flour, known locally as makli, and is served with a combination of sugar, salt, and fat.


Barley is an essential ingredient in the preparation of popular dishes such as marifisa, which consists of unleavened bread and camel meat broth. A special place in Saharawi homes is occupied by “Maro with meat,” a dish made with camel meat and rice, simply cooked in a special pot. Another popular meal is Dashisha, which is also based on barley flour and is prepared with water, fat and spices.


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